Thinking Toys for Commoning

At the Thinking Toys for Commoning workshop, we invite participants to think about possible roles of connected technologies in co-housing and commoning efforts more generally. During the workshop, we will speculate about future products, devices and services that are community oriented, sustainable in terms of production and maintenance and promoting community resilience and independence.
How could technology of communication and computation be used in community-based efforts to sustainably share resources on our planet? Which networked services and connected devices would be well suited to housing cooperatives?
We propose to address these areas in four steps, starting from speculative proposals, and scenarios (narratives) that accommodate them written on paper, to basic prototyping (sketching, assembling, describing) and finally preparing a prototype catalogue of designs as a result. The output of the workshop will be a collection of design prototypes, scenarios, systems, maps, stories, organized into a booklet following the workshop.
Ajdovščina Underpass, Ljubljana