

Courtesy of common-interest
common-interest (Switzerland)
Interactive website

Futuress is an online repository of books which have not been written yet, but should have been. Longtime collaborators Corinne Gisel and Nina Paim, since 2018 jointly known as common-interest, designed a concept of a feminist library for the Add to the Cake exhibition in Kunstgewerbemuseum Dresden. The purpose of the library was to shed light on and try to fill the gaps in design history and theory, widening and diversifying the field. The goal of the Futuress project is to build an inclusive and open archive of shared knowledge, uncovering and overcoming blind spots which exist due to overlooked and ignored voices of female and other voices in design. The library operates as a webpage through which anyone can submit their idea for a title and short description of a non-existent book, monograph, lexicon, textbook, essay etc., which is then rendered as a virtual 3D model of a book through an interdisciplinary collaboration with a young female typesetter. The Futuress project raises awareness of the overlooked areas of design history and theory in a direct and fresh manner, simultaneoulsy promoting a different, more inclusive production of common knowledge with a positive agenda.